The Show Must Go On

Date Posted: Jan 26, 2020

I still remember when I attended a writer's workshop in the local network years ago, which lasted for seven (7) months.

The conductor was always telling: "The show must go on..." We know that when a content creator gets sick, he gets excused from the production. It's the unsaid default. Needless to say, if one is able and healthy, it only meant that any personal discomfort is never an excuse to accomplish the work.

When people expect to see the show consistently, behind the scene is a combination of peace and chaos. The head writer should deliver the content even if the subordinates fail to provide it -- because the show must go on!

The audience expects to see the show on schedule. Many crews are at stake. It's a commitment! The competitors will take charge to take your place if you are absent. And the watchers would be disappointed. It's not about those dramatic feelings, but it is how the world makes progress. The supply and demand -- if you give better meaning to it. 

"Submit your work even if it is not as perfect as you expect it. Just submit on the marked deadline," the conductor stressed it further. 

"You should have the discipline to finish on time."

On your own, you have a show to do. You may have a boss. Or you are your boss, which can be more difficult because it demands self-discipline. Two voices are speaking inside the head. The pessimistic voice would tell you to procrastinate, while the optimistic voice would slap you to get up and get things started. 

Meanwhile, the truth would only hound you in the wind: 

"The show must go on..!"

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